About Me

British Computer Animation student currently studying at Teesside University in his final year

Thursday 27 December 2012

Initial FMP Mind-Maps and Designs

 These are my (somewhat messy) initial designs and plans for the project.

This mind-map shows every area of the spacecraft I have considered, with the branches leading to possible features for each of the parts or rooms.
As you can see at the very bottom, it reads "[Thunderbirds]". As I was asking for advise for this mind-map, I was reminded of the awesome television show I watched so fondly as a child, and I felt such a fool for not remembering it, or mentioning it in my specification.
The shows visionary creator Gerry Anderson died on Boxing Day.
I always intended to name the ship in his honour from as soon as I was reminded, but with this news I felt compelled to dedicate this project to his memory. The ship's name will be Anderson IR (Interplanetary Rescue).

 Above is the initial layout of the ship's bridge. I have taken much inspiration from the bridges of the Star Trek franchise. I chose this layout as it would be both familiar to the audience and practical. The captain, slightly raised on a central platform, can receive information from as many directions as possible (the light arrows show roughly the flow of information).
As you can see, I have used a hexagonal shape to maximise efficiency and strength. The rest of the ship will be designed around this, creating a honeycomb of rooms (unless they become redundant, like perhaps in corridors).
This was my initial ship layout, based on the hexagonal design.
As you can see from my notes, I thought the essential systems (communications, navigation, life support and the evacuee quarters, along with the bridge) should be more central, or at least be more localised, so as to be further from engineering (and the ship's engines) so they would perhaps be able to detach if there was any problems with the engines, thus preserving life (as that is the ship's purpose).
At the very top of the basic initial layout I have noted "think in decks". Above is my first rough attempt to do so, but as you can see I was as yet unable to significantly separate the vital systems and the engines.
This was a quick sketch where I seemed to solve the problem of separating the aforementioned systems. I finally realised this is why Star Trek's Enterprise had been designed with its long 'neck', as it separated the main decks from the engineering decks, and furthermore the engines themselves.
You can also see the (unrealistically large) landing gear on each corner.
Here are my design sketches for the ship's landing gear. I started by designing the 'feet', making them as adjustable as possible, allowing the craft to land on varied and uneven terrain.
I added the treads (with their own adjustable suspension) so that two 'toes' would be able to lift slightly and automatically move each 'foot' should the landing surface become unstable. This would also allow the ship to crawl along, enabling it to approach rescue sites without taking off.
I added engines onto the legs so it would be VTOL capable, allowing for swifter approaches and departures in hot zones and negating the need for substantial wings.

Above was my first design for the ship's communications tower, with antenna on top for long-range radio transmissions and a large dish for satellite communications.
However, whilst conducting research into the area I found (as noted) that a hollow glass tube would do the job whilst staying radar invisible. This could be extended and retracted as needed to avoid damage.

 These are my designs for the spacecraft's defences. Mainly automated and designed to be non-lethal, the system would track incoming missiles and, depending on the range and speed of the incoming target, fire either a long range rocket or deploy flares.
Since these sketches I have added a railgun system for the rockets' initial propulsion and firing on closer targets.
 Above is a quick first design for the ATVs the crew could take closer to rescue sites. These would be extremely tough, so as to survive most anything nature might throw at it.
I think I may deviate from this 'all-in-one' design and go various vehicles capable of different tasks.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Some Useful Links... (or at least that I've found interesting)


Revised FMP Specification

Project Aim: To model futuristic technologies for a computer generated spacecraft set, as if consulted by area specialists, as is common on science fiction films.

There are many military and research spacecraft with popular science fiction, but very few rescue or medical ships. The Star Wars franchise includes various medical and rescue ships, including medical ship Redemption where Luke Skywalker receives his robotic hand, and several fire service craft seen after a crash landing on the planet Coruscant. Medical bays play a large part in the Star Trek franchise and Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, both having larger numbers of crew aboard their key ships. However none of these are really equipped to retrieve downed crew members or rescue those stranded in environmental catastrophes, either on an international or interplanetary scale.

The spacecraft will therefore be designed with these areas as a priority, with human safety and rescue capabilities put first in the dangerous environments of both planets and space.
The research involved will cover many areas including current and projected space, medical and rescue technologies.

With the recent advancements in both scientific and computer generation technologies, there has been a recent resurgence in sci-fi films, many coming as massive investments and profitable franchises. With green screen set extensions now common-place and full digital sets becoming standard for film environments, I believe developing the techniques to construct such sets in the computer will give me an advantage in the field as they become normal practise.
Having assets like this allows visual effects teams to composite actors or characters into the generated environment, but also provides a basis for practical sets and pre-visualisations.

There has also been increased interest and research into environmental and climate changes in recent years, with the concern they will bring about more weather based disasters for the human population. This issue has increasingly been used as the subject message for films, including science fiction. Therefore I believe the presence of search and rescue teams and vehicles within these films will increase as a result as filmmakers dream up more and more terrible disasters for characters to endure.

This project will allow me to invest further in prop modelling and environment design, two areas I have great interest in. I believe each aspect of a visual effects asset should have a purpose and a reason for its existence, rather than the sometimes purely aesthetic preference that often seems illogical and impractical. Efficiency in the asset’s design will therefore be paramount as well as keeping close to technology in use today or projected for the future.
The areas of focus will be production design with visual effects assets. Within the asset there will be models of equipment and structures involved in medical treatment and recovery as well as search and rescue technology, all in the context of space travel and living.

As the topics for research are quite wide and varied, I am unsure I will complete all the research and modelling in certain areas.
Due to the heavy space based aspect of the asset, NASA and its associates are obvious candidates for me to contact, with their lengthy and focused research. Unfortunately due to the large distance to them, as well as current budget cuts, they may be unable to provide ample assistance. They do however have extensive online resources including possible applications of technologies from science fiction. Results from research in this area may have to be vastly extrapolated to fit the asset’s intended purpose (as is often the case in science fiction) as no direct comparisons yet exist.
Medical advances and projected future innovations in the area are often the subject of expertise in large universities. These should be far easier to contact and will also have their research published in journals as well as online. Unfortunately any current research is probably unlikely to be allowed to be discussed or released.
Rescue technology should be quite easy to research with the amount of footage compiled from incidents worldwide every day. This should allow research into dealing with many different disasters that occur in multiple environments across all continents. Disaster movies could also serve as good reference for current technologies and techniques. Developing and future technologies in this area would be harder to gather research on as much is often developed in conjunction with other areas including the military, making it confidential.
Other experimental technology is often constructed under military contracts and so would be harder to discuss or find evidence of. These include stealth, armour and non-lethal weapons technologies that the spacecraft may need to use in entering hostile environments.

The final assets I wish to create for this project are:
1.       A 3D spacecraft that can be used as both a visual effects asset and a basis for practical sets; interior and exterior
2.       A user manual for said spacecraft including labelled cross-sections and blueprints of the ship’s decks and systems
3.       A video of a fly-through showing the interior of the ship with labels for systems similar to a HUD or AR system

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Final Major Project Specification Draft

Project Aim: To model futuristic technologies for a computer generated spacecraft set, as if consulted by area specialists, as is common on science fiction films.
There are many military and research spacecraft with popular science fiction, but very few rescue or medical ships. Many ships have medical bays and treatment facilities aboard, but few are equipped to retrieve downed crew members or rescue those stranded in environmental catastrophes, either on an international or interplanetary scale.
The design of the ship would therefore be designed with these areas as a priority, with human safety and rescue capabilities put first in the dangerous environment of space.
The research involved will cover many areas including current and projected space, medical and rescue technologies.
Science fiction directors have used scientific consultants since the dawn of the space age. There has been an increasing fascination with the genre since, and has become one of the corner-stones of popular culture.
With the recent advancements in both scientific and computer generation technologies, there has been a recent resurgence in sci-fi films, many coming as massive investments and profitable franchises. With green scene set extensions now common-place and full digital sets becoming standard for environments, I believe developing the techniques to construct such sets in the computer will soon become normal practise. Doing so will allow the visual effects teams to composite actors or characters into the generated world, but also provide a basis for practical sets and pre-visualisations that the director can approve.
With the increased interest and research into environmental and climate changes, with the concern they will bring about more weather based disasters for the population, has increasingly been used as the subject of a basic message for films, including science fiction. Therefore I believe the presence of search and rescue teams and vehicles will also increase as a result.
This project will also allow me to invest far more in prop modelling and environment design, two areas I have great interest in. I believe each aspect of a visual effects asset should have a purpose and a reason for its existence, rather than the sometimes purely aesthetic preference that often seems illogical and impractical.
The areas of focus will be production design with visual effects assets. Within the asset there will be models of equipment and structures involved in medical treatment and recovery as well as search and rescue technology, all in the context of space travel and living.

The Star Wars franchise does include various medical and rescue ships, including Rebel Alliance medical ship Redemption where Luke Skywalker receives his robotic hand and several fire service craft after a crash landing on the planet Coruscant. Medical bays play a large part in the Star Trek franchise and Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, both having larger numbers of crew aboard their key ships.
The Star Wars and Star Trek franchises both have their own Wikipedia databases and many art books including designs and extensive cross-sections of many of the ships featured.
As the topics for research are quite wide and varied, I am unsure I will complete all the research and modelling in certain areas.
Due to the heavy space based aspect of the asset, NASA and its associates are obvious candidates with their lengthy and focused research, but due to the large distance to them, as well as current budget cuts, they may be unable to provide ample assistance. They do however have extensive online resources including possible applications of technologies from science fiction. Result from research in this area may have to be vastly extrapolated to fit the asset’s intended purpose (as is often the case in science fiction).
Medical advances and projected future innovations in that area are often the subject of expertise in large universities. These should be far easier to contact and will also have their research published in journals as well as online. Unfortunately any current research is probably unlikely to be allowed to be discussed or released.
Rescue technology should be quite easy to research with the amount of footage compiled from incidents worldwide every day. This should allow research into dealing with many different disasters that occur in multiple environments across all continents. Disaster movies could also serve as good reference for current technologies and techniques. Developing and future technologies in this area would be harder to gather research on. Much is often developed in conjunction with other areas including the military.
Other experimental technology is often constructed under military contracts and so would be harder to discuss or find evidence of. These include stealth and armour technologies as well as non-lethal weapons.
The assets I wish to create for this project are:
1.       A 3D spacecraft that can be used as both a visual effects asset and a basis for practical sets; interior and exterior
2.       A user manual for said spacecraft including labelled cross-sections and blueprints of the ship’s decks and systems
3.       A video of a fly-through showing the interior of the ship with labels for systems similar to a HUD or AR system

Sunday 21 October 2012

"The Wizard and The Spaceman"

Here are the effects shots and unfinished edit of my short effects based film "The Wizard and The Spaceman", created for a second year module


Compositing Exercises

My reel of compositing exercises created for a second year module

"Falling" Animatic

This is my original animatic for the "Falling" animation


Final piece for my second year double module, CG Technique, entitled "Falling"
There are some improvements I want to make to this and it was originally going to be longer, with beginning and end portions to be added
